Get Involved with ITNS

We want to hear from any and all members who are interested in getting involved! 

One of the most popular reasons individuals join associations is to network with other professionals in their field. ITNS provides its members with many opportunities to connect with colleagues. Serving on a committee or task force is an excellent way to get to know others in ITNS.  

ITNS values inclusivity and collaboration, with the goal of providing transplant nurses relevant evidence-based education, research, and advocacy to assure excellence in patient care worldwide. Tell us what you are interested in, and what knowledge and skills you bring in order to help identify the best ways for you to get involved. 

  • Do you love writing blogs or posting on social media? 
  • Do you know others that might benefit from joining ITNS? 
  • Are you interested in raising the awareness of a career in Transplant Nursing? 
  • Do you like planning educational activities like webinars? 
  • Do you have certain topics that you love giving talks about? 
  • Or subjects for which you consider yourself an expert?
  • Want to join a committee?
  • What else? We are open to your ideas and appreciate your knowledge and skills 

Please complete this short interest form and we’ll be in touch.

Below are some of the areas to get connect with and work with your colleagues: 

Nominations Committee  

Do you have any experience in recruitment, interviewing, and/or the selection of leaders? Or have you ever engaged in volunteer leadership development for another organization? If so, you may be the perfect candidate to serve on the Nominations Committee. The call for volunteers will be posted annually - watch this site!  

Annual Meeting  

There are several ways to engage through the annual meeting in additions to attending such as:  

  • Submit an Abstract: Become involved by submitting an abstract for a podium or poster presentation at the Annual Meeting 
  • Abstract Review Committee: Each year, ITNS searches for members interested in reviewing and scoring Annual Meeting abstract submissions. This is a great opportunity for those new and experienced to provide insight and feedback on professional development content and educational topics presented at ITNS’s premier event. 

ITNS Speaker’s Bureau 

Volunteer to be part of the Speaker’s Bureau and share your area of expertise. By joining this pool of speakers, ITNS will have a go-to resource of members who possess knowledge on specific topics as educational offerings are developed for the transplantation nurse.