Membership in ITNS

Become part of the nursing organization dedicated to the professional growth and development of the transplant clinician. ITNS provides members with a forum of learning opportunities about the latest advances in transplantation and transplant patient care. Learn more about ITNS member benefits and how they can help you advance in your career.  

Join Now

Find the membership category below that best fits your current professional status:  

Active Member

All RNs MUST join as Active Members. All Active members are entitled to vote, hold office, and serve on committees. 

  • 1-year dues rate: $135 
  • Discounted 3-year dues rate: $355 

Retired RN Member  

Retired RN members must have been an Active Nurse member for at least 1 year prior to retirement from nursing practice. All Retired members are entitled to vote, hold office, and serve on committees. 

  • 1-year dues rate: $100 

Emerging Countries Member* 

ITNS offers reduced membership rates for emerging countries. Active Emerging Countries members are entitled to vote, hold office, and serve on committees. View the list of qualifying countries that are eligible for this membership category.  

  • 1-Year dues rate: $75 USD  

Associate Member  

Any non-RN health professional involved in transplantation such as a licensed vocational or licensed practical nurse, physician, physician assistant, social worker, pharmacist, dietician, technician, psychologist, therapist, or an organ procurement specialist.  Associate members are not entitled to vote, hold office, or serve on committees.

  • 1-year dues rate: $85 
  • Discounted 3-year dues rate: $195

Pharmacists and other personnel working for pharmaceutical or other industry companies should contact [email protected] to explore opportunities to partner with ITNS, and should not apply directly online.  

Student Member

Student members must be enrolled in an associate degree nursing program, a baccalaureate nursing program (BSN), a nursing program leading to direct entry into a master’s program, or a graduate-level nursing program (full-time student). Student members are not eligible to vote, chair a committee or hold office, but are eligible to serve on committees, task forces, work groups, etc. Verification of enrollment will be required.

National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) members who are enrolled in an associate degree nursing program, a baccalaureate nursing program (BSN), a nursing program leading to direct entry into a master’s program, or a graduate-level nursing program (full-time student).

ITNS offers reduced dues for students in Emerging Countries. View the list of qualifying countries

  • 1-year rate: $30
  • NSNA rate: $25
  • Emerging Countries rate: $15

Please contact Member Services by email [email protected] to see if you qualify for this reduced rate. 

Please note that no portion of ITNS membership dues is refundable. Please contact [email protected] with questions.